Hello! We're Emily and Maty.

ON OUR BEST DAYS EVER, we are demonstrating for you how to integrate your soul’s energy and transform your life from same ol’ - same ol' TO holy shit, this is better than I ever could have imagined!

OUR GOOD DAYS consist of us inspiring you to drop societal expectations and create your life based on your own soul’s callings and desires. 

By combining intuitive development, Akashic Record soul research and emotional healing techniques with our multiple decades of experience in energetic modalities, personal healing experiences and customer service we’ll show you how to propel your life in the most amazing and unforeseen directions. 

Is it crazy to want more purpose, deeper connections, more fun and soul alignment flowing through your everyday life?

We don't think so.

Emily and Maty enjoying more purpose, fun and soul alignment flowing in their lives.

Our Story

“Come get your shit, we’re all fired.” This was the call we received three days before North Carolina shutdown during the pandemic. As brutal as those words felt at the time, it turned out to be the biggest turning point in our lives.

Let's get Social!

"The suffering caused by ignoring your soul's callings doesn't just go away one day. The calling for MORE builds slowly over time until a change has to be made. If this calling gets ignored it begins etching away at your life force while moving you in the opposite direction from what you truly desire."

It's never too late to take the leap and change your life.

Your intuition will lead the way.

Our purpose is to show you how.


Get our free energy clearing and soul purpose intention healing. 

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