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A beautiful, colorful image of a person with two difference personalities coming together through the spine and seemingly shown in two different faces. The article outlines the differences between the soul and human personality.

Differences Between the Soul and Human Personality

about the soul akashic records self discovery Oct 08, 2024


In this article I am going to talk about the differences between the soul personality and the human personality and give some key differences between the two. The human personality is something that I have explored from many different perspectives like sociology, psychology, emotional exploration and personal interactions to name a few. However, the idea of the soul having a separate personality is a newer idea that did not develop for me until I began doing soul research on behalf of clients in the Akashic Records. Since making this discovery, I have explored my own soul’s personality in the Akashic Records but also through a life between lifetimes session and many past life regressions where I speak directly with my spirit guides and receive insights about my soul's personality directly from my guides.


The Soul Personality Through the Lens of the Akashic Records


Understanding the intricate dance between our soul's personalities and our human personalities through the lens of the Akashic Records has been a pivotal revelation in our soul research for me and Matty. This exploration has been one of the most interesting aspects of our Akashic Record Soul Journey Readings because when we are in someone else’s record we can intuitively feel and experience the differences in the energies amongst the souls. 

One of our all time favorite soul’s energy to experience was a client whose energy felt like you would imagine an enlightened one’s energy being. We were so relaxed, calm and serene as if we were laying in the tropics listening to the ocean or on a boat floating in gentle waves. We almost didn’t want to leave the record, haha. Everyone’s soul has a different feel and energy to it; we feel it’s an incredible honor to experience personally. Understanding these differences has been a monumental discovery for our own personal growth and development and has a life changing effect for our clients too.


4 Key Differences Between Your Soul Personality and Your Human Personality


This exploration is not just a philosophical quest or just our personal experiences it is also supported by scientific research. Understanding these key differences can significantly impact our approach to personal growth, relationships, and how we navigate the challenges of life. Here, we delve into key distinctions to illuminate why recognizing these differences is crucial for our holistic well-being.


Consciousness and Continuity


The soul's personality is characterized by a continuous consciousness that transcends the physical boundaries of time and space. Tucker (2005) explores this in his investigation of children's memories of previous lives suggesting that consciousness can persist beyond physical existence. This continuity of the soul's consciousness is different from the human personality. The human personality is often perceived as temporary and tied to the physical lifespan although certain emotional trauma and consciousness can transcend and be passed along as part of the soul’s energetic makeup. In the Akashic Records we have found that there are certain characteristics and qualities that are innate to the individual, but aren’t things that they have experienced or have been taught in this lifetime. During the course of many lifetimes we choose certain themes and energies to explore in our human bodies in order to work on qualities that our souls may lack. This practice of exploring life lessons can help us work on aspects of our personality that don’t come as naturally to our soul. Our souls choose these life lessons in an effort to become more well rounded or wholesome as viewed from the overall or higher perspective which leads us perfectly to the next point.

*Reference*: Tucker, J. B. (2005). *Life before life: A scientific investigation of children's memories of previous lives*. St. Martin's Press.


Motivation and Aspiration


The motivations driving your soul personality are fundamentally different from those of your human personality. While the human personality is often motivated by physical needs, desires and oftentimes conditioning from our surroundings, the soul personality is driven by a search for meaning, purpose, and connection. When conducting soul research in the Akashic Records, these differences become very apparent and each soul’s motivation is completely unique. This distinction is crucial for understanding our deeper aspirations beyond material success and physical gratification.

From an energetic standpoint, becoming more wholesome on a soul level will depend on the energy that’s already present within the soul. Within the Akashic Records we can locate many clues as to what direction the soul is moving and what that soul finds important to learn. For example if a soul was created in a star system that is very analytical and where emotions are not felt at all then that soul will excel in being very logical but may suffer quite a bit on Earth where emotions and spiritual matters are also at play. In an effort to help itself become more well rounded, this soul may choose a curriculum of  life lessons such as emotionality, safety/ security or sensitivity to explore these themes around emotions. If this soul feels inclined toward a more advanced curriculum, then it may also choose to incarnate into a body where emotions are felt very strongly by the brain chemistry or into a family where emotions run high. These choices would help them understand more about what emotions are, how they’re processed and what they feel like in order to expand their breadth of knowledge. By choosing these conditions for itself the idea would be to soften the emotional blow in future incarnations for itself. However the incarnations in which they chose the emotional curriculum may be quite difficult and traumatic. 

This quote by Helen Keller sums this up perfectly: “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.”


Perception Beyond the Senses


Van Lommel (2010),  through the study of near-death experiences (NDEs), provides evidence that consciousness and, by extension, the soul's personality can experience realities beyond the physical senses. Another interesting point he makes is that having an NDE changes a person’s personality after experiencing one. This suggests that the soul personality has access to a broader spectrum of perception than the human personality does, which relies on the five senses to interpret the world. 

Since the soul exists in a different dimension the same “rules” don’t apply as in the physical world. In fact when we are in the Akashic Records of a person we have noticed that time moves differently, three hours feels more like thirty minutes. Another interesting thing we’ve noticed is that information for an event or situation that we are shown to pass along to the client comes in a matter of seconds. Intuition is scientific if you understand energy and have experimented with it as much as we have so the idea of the soul experiencing perception beyond our five senses is not so “out there". 

Van Lommel, P. (2010). *Consciousness beyond life: The science of the near-death experience*. HarperOne.


Learning and Evolution


Lastly, the soul personality is oriented towards continuous growth and evolution (from a higher perspective), not just in the context of one lifetime but across many. This contrasts with the human personality, which focuses on adapting and surviving within the confines of a single lifespan. Other factors that play a part in our human personalities are our brain makeup, genetics, environment and how compatible our soul’s energy is with our chosen body. The soul personality seeks to explore themes and growth opportunities that contribute to its evolution, viewing life experiences as part of a larger journey. 


Conclusion/Want To Delve Deeper?


Recognizing the distinctions between our soul personalities and human personalities empowers us to navigate life with greater awareness and balance. It encourages us to honor our physical needs and experiences while also aligning with our soul's deeper wisdom and purpose.  This holistic approach to living enables us to experience life more fully, fostering personal growth, well-being, and a profound sense of connection with the world around us.

Looking into the bigger picture like what our soul deems most important to learn as well as our soul’s purpose are aspects we look into as a part of our Akashic Records Soul Journey Reading. We also highlight many finer details that are pertinent to your current lifetime such as your current life lessons, strongest intuitive gifts and archetypes where you can place your focus and save yourself a lot of time and energy with trial and error working to discover them for yourself.  

In the journey of life, embracing and integrating both aspects of our personality the soul with the human is the key to unlocking our fullest potential and living a life that truly resonates with our soul's essence. 




Order an Akashic Record Soul Journey Reading.

We love doing these readings and it’s the fastest way to understand the differences between your soul  personality and your human personality. This is a 25-35 page reading that tells the story of your soul’s journey and what that means for who you are today. It saves tons of time and money on trial and error because it cuts right to the chase and highlights everything that is written in this article. 

Order a Akashic Record Soul Journey Reading Here

Thank you for taking the time to read my article. Feel free to reach out with any questions or comments.

Love and Light,

Emily Pearl


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