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A woman meditating next to water thinking about her first, second and third past life experiences with RoHun.

Is Past Life Regression Real?

healing past life regression self discovery Apr 02, 2024

Is Past Life Regression Real?

Is Past Life Regression Real? There is a lot of debate and research about whether the experiences you have during a past life regression are real or not. Of course with any subject that is more obscure like this, I can only talk about my personal experiences with it. When I was in college at University of Kentucky I decided to try it ALL out. It wasn’t until my junior year that the idea of past lives even came into my awareness. My junior year I took Eastern philosophy, psychopharmacology, sociology of deviant behavior, astronomy . . .  just to give you an example of the diverse range of subjects I enjoyed at a time. It was this semester that I began asking myself the question, is past life regression real? It was interesting to me because I was able to see a lot of commonalities within the ideals in all of my classes. One of my strengths is the ability to take in a wide range of topics and process the information to find its patterns, similarities and differences, etc.


Anyway, I got my first reiki attunement around this time too and began my healing journey as well. A reiki attunement is a process performed by a reiki master to help your subconscious mind remember what it’s like to be more in tune to the subtle energies that exist on the planet. By doing so it helps your chakras open up to be a channel for universal energy through your palms. I don’t know how much thought I had given reincarnation before my Eastern philosophy class and my reiki attunement (I was raised a Southern Baptist) but the ideas “everything is energy,” “we are all connected" and the universe can be viewed like a hologram whereas each tiny part contains the information of the whole were ideas I was naturally more comfortable with. Many, many years later I had my first, second and third experience with a past life through RoHun. This is an account of my beginning personal experiences to answer the question: is past life regression real or not?


My 1st, 2nd and 3rd Past Life Regression Experience

It wasn’t until I had moved to Asheville and was in a very chaotic romantic relationship that I decided to seek spiritual help. I felt like my emotions were uncontrollable, I was miserable in my relationship, my living situation, my job and needed something, anything. So I reached out to a RoHun practitioner near me and scheduled an intensive 3 day session with him. RoHun is a type of transpersonal psychology that uses spiritual practices to tap into the unconscious mind in order to release negative thought constructs and emotions. 


The first session was a RoHun card reading that identified three past lives and the negative thought patterns I brought to this life from them. The first was a life as a queen where my entire life I was told how to act, be, who I was and had a rigid set of rules to live by. As a queen in that lifetime I felt powerless and had no control over my own life. It was shown to me that I was carrying those resonant thoughts in this lifetime too. I don’t remember the other life shown to me but I do remember the negative thought construct that was brought from that one was “love is a competition.” This thought construct was very prominent in my life being a middle child of 5 and then after my father remarried and had five more children I am now the third child of 10 kids. As you can imagine there was a lot of competition happening in the households constantly being reinforced by the understably staggering amount of attention by my parents.


A second past life came up that weekend involving the man I was dating at the time. We were both Native American Indians, I was the man and he was my wife and an invasion came to our camp. In an effort to protect his family, I fired my gun and the bullet ricocheted off something and hit our son. I was shown that the unconscious reasoning my boyfriend cheated on me (in my current life) was to balance out the karma of this situation. 


The third past life that came up for me was a past life where I was a spiritual teacher and leader. This piqued my interest and I wondered if that was a direction that I was meant to go in. At that time that was not really something that was on my radar because I was so caught up in the drama of my everyday life and the chaotic environment that came along with it.

Side Effects Of Past Life Regression

After these sessions it was apparent to me that all of these energies were present within me and once I was able to bring awareness to them I was able to begin healing these themes in my life. From this experience since the energy was cleared in my energetic field I was first able to find the courage to take charge of my life. 

 The following are what I experienced as side effects of past life regression:

  • I decided I no longer wanted to be in financial debt so I developed a strategy that enabled me to eventually pay it all off— student loans, massage school, credit card debt. As an aside, I was super unhappy at my job but I came up with this plan so that some good could come out of my super unhappy situation. 
  • I ended up leaving the relationship I was in and that I won’t tolerate being in a relationship with someone who lies or cheats on me. Honesty and integrity are things that I value deeply as well as taking accountability and responsibility for one’s own emotions. 
  • I began to heal feelings of jealousy and betrayal associated with viewing love as a competition. By dropping the competition and seeing that we all are deserving of love and that we are all capable of loving and caring about many people in a variety of different relationship aspects.

I feel like these side effects of past life regression helped me to step into my personal power and change my life for the better. 

Does Past Life Regression Work?

Does past life regression work? This experience happened about 15 years ago and now I am in a loving marriage with Maty of almost 10 years this May. We both have been completely debt free for three years and have been traveling open ended for almost three years now. I am stepping into my role as a spiritual leader and have a deep understanding that it is something that I am meant to pursue. When I ask myself, does past life regression work?  While life certainly doesn’t come without challenges and many other things have happened in the last 15 years, I do believe that these sessions served as a catalyst for big changes in my life. I was able to see things from a different perspective and I was also able to clear the blocks from those energies in my energy field allowing the shifts to come more naturally in my life. 


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