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Person at the ocean meditating on the insights and awareness they gained from their past life regression.

What are the Benefits of Past Life Regression?

healing past life regression self discovery Mar 11, 2024

What are the Benefits of Past Life Regression?

In this blog post I will quickly introduce what past life regression is and how past life regression benefits spiritually tuned souls choosing to have a session. Past life regression is often referred to as PLR for short. This is meant to be an easily digestible, concise introduction to past life regression. If you want even more detailed information you can follow the link at the bottom of this posting. Cheers.


What is Past Life Regression?

Past life regression is a technique using hypnosis that helps clients recover their unconscious memories from previous lives. You'll embark on a guided journey through the corridors of your unconscious mind, traversing the landscapes of past incarnations. The term "past" extends beyond the bounds of linear time, encompassing Earthly lives preceding this one. These journeys may lead you to a parallel existence in contemporary settings. You could visit alternate planets in star systems governed by divergent timelines. And potentially, you might even glimpse into the tapestry of future possibilities.

At the end of your past life you'll be guided to transition into the realm of Spirit. Your main guide will be waiting to meet you there so they can share their energy and insights with you. This is your own personal council meeting at the highest levels of spiritual awareness. Beyond giving you past life insights, your guide will also answer any pre-arranged questions you have about your current life. 


Benefits of Past Life Regression

Past life regression is a wonderful alternative modality beckoning you toward resolutions on your journey of healing and growth. Recovering memories from your past incarnations reveals the insights needed to benefit you the most in the here and now. While the authenticity of these past life memories remains a mystery, they're undoubtedly more than just stories you tell yourself. Your past lives are most often linked to the root causes of the challenges you’re facing in your current life. It's all about gaining higher perspectives around any unresolved emotional issues, limiting beliefs or disruptive patterns of behavior affecting your life. Every PLR session I’ve been involved with, whether as the guide or client, has offered these kinds of insights.

The awareness gained from your unique insights is what benefits your personal healing and also aids in ancestral karmic healing. Bringing self compassionate love to this healing process expedites and helps anchor in the transformational energy. Ultimately its benefits are about weaving together the layers of your soul’s experiences for a more meaningful life right now. By integrating the lessons learned from the past you can heal unresolved emotional energy and dissolve limited beliefs. This serves the development of new patterns of behavior that will reflect the more empowered state of being within yourself!


Keeping it Real with Past Life Regression

Despite all the benefits, don't think of past life regression as stepping into some kind of a fantastical fairy tale. Seldom is it the land of kings and queens and heroic adventures of history’s famous figures winning the day! Most often people’s past lives are gritty and tough, just like todays, often filled with successes as well as hardships. Just remember, shifts will naturally happen simply from gaining new awareness of past energies at play in your current life. The council meeting with your spirit guide will help to put the puzzle pieces together and solidify the picture your insights are forming. The truly transformational magic though, that gets you the most benefit, is in the application of combining your insights with aligned actions!


Explore Past Life Regression Further

I hope this post helped you to better understand what past life regression is and how it can benefit you. It is such an honor and great joy for us to be guides on your journey of self discovery and healing.

If you would like more details along the lines of what to expect before having a PLR session with me or Emily, What to Expect with PLR

If you are ready to explore the benefits of having a past life regression and spirit guide meeting session for yourself, See You Inside for PLR

Have a wonderful day!

Loving Light,


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