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What is Earth School?

about the soul akashic records healing self discovery Jun 19, 2024


Earth Academy: A Spiritual School for Soul Evolution

Insights within the Akashic Records reveal that Earth is a spiritual school also known as Earth Academy. Our souls incarnate here to learn, grow, and evolve over many lifetimes. This perspective helps us shift away from seeing life on Earth as a courtroom of eternal judgment, determining where our immortal soul goes for eternity. Instead, it guides us toward a more compassionate understanding of our spiritual journey within the encounters of our daily lives. This understanding beckons a unified journey of soul growth, one that we are all in together for our own individual and the collective highest good.


The Unique Environment of Earth School

Earth School or Earth Academy provides a universally exclusive ambiance where Earth, Starseed and Lightworker souls can live together through a shared human experience. Souls on Earth can experience a wide range of human emotions, challenges, and triumphs all designed for their learning and growth. Before incarnating, during our soul’s life between lives, our lightbody, soul self outlines vast amounts of potential probabilities. Some of these potentials will become our life's experiences—both positive and negative—for our benefit and highest good. Each experience adds to the evolution of our souls, allowing us to resonate with the Spirit's higher perspectives and expand our consciousness.


Embracing Growth Through Challenges

Suffering and hardships are not punishments but opportunities for profound growth found within life’s challenges. They are part of our soul's design, intended to help us develop qualities such as empathy, fortitude, and wisdom. By facing and overcoming obstacles, we transcend our limitations and reconnect deeper with our divine essence. Personal responsibility, especially at the soul level, is crucial in this process.


Reframing Experiences for Healing

Viewing Earth Academy as a spiritual school encourages us to reframe our experiences. Instead of seeing mistakes and failures as reasons for self-judgment, we can view them as valuable lessons. This mindset encourages us to let go of victimization. Feeling victimized when trauma or a tough lesson is playing out in our lives is a natural reaction. But, living in a state of victimhood, of holding on to the pain of being wronged, becomes a major hurdle in our healing journey. Understanding that our souls set up these experiences for our growth allows us to release blame and avoid a perpetual negative cycle.


Balancing Justice and Forgiveness

While humans are responsible for hurting one another, spiritually, these interactions are part of our soul's design. Seeking justice when possible is important, but holding onto blame keeps our souls trapped in negativity. Accepting what happened as part of the potential for your life and finding a way forward that feels good to you is an empowering step of your soul’s growth. The challenge is real and authentically raw, but embracing personal responsibility and seeking justice while fostering forgiveness allows for true healing and growth.


Cultivating Mindfulness and Self-Awareness

To fully embrace our Earth Academy role as students in the spiritual Earth School, cultivating mindfulness and self-awareness is essential. Practices such as meditation, journaling, and connecting with nature help us attune to our soul's guidance and align with our higher purpose. This awareness makes us more conscious of the lessons presented to us and more capable of integrating them into our lives. There is also a great benefit to shifting one’s perspective even if it may seem a little counterintuitive at first. The more we appreciate and embrace our life’s lessons (especially the negatively perceived ones) the more it elevates our lesson’s experiences toward the positive end of the spectrum.


Transforming Our Approach to Life

Understanding Earth Academy as a spiritual school rather than a courtroom of eternal judgment transforms our approach to life. It empowers us to embrace our experiences with grace and gratitude, knowing that each moment is an opportunity for soul growth. By accessing the wisdom of the Akashic Records, we navigate our earthly journey with a deeper sense of purpose and a greater connection to our most authentic selves. Releasing blame, embracing personal responsibility and fostering forgiveness are key to breaking free from negative cycles and achieving spiritual growth. Thank you choosing to be here now, for bravely choosing to face your lessons and by doing so effectively raising the vibrations of Love on Earth. I am grateful for you!


Soul Activation Akashic Record Reading

Are you interested in discovering the secret sauce of your soul’s life between lives in Spirit? Want to learn what your soul has experienced in past lives and find out your life lessons for this lifetime as well as your strongest gifts? Would you love to have a 90 minute clarity call with Emily and I to discuss all of this and much more?


I invite you to order a Soul Activation Akashic Record Reading below and discover your soul’s motivations for being here now!

LINK - Soul Journey Akashic Record Reading

Loving Light,


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