$200.00 USD

PLR with Emily

Ready to explore the depths of your consciousness and speak with your spirit guide(s)?

These are very powerful and meaningful sessions. 

What you'll get:

  • Past Life Regression
  • Meet Your Spirit Guide
  • Personalized Guidance based on your needs. 

[ 3 hour LIVE online session ]

What People Are Saying:

My PLR session with Emily has been life-changing. I had never experienced this type of connection to my soul and spirit before, so I didn't know what to expect. I doubted that I would be able to connect with my spirit guides or loved ones who has passed on but I encountered the most beautiful healing at the end of our session. I would highly recommend this soul vibe journey to anyone. The insight I received has encouraged me to listen to my inner knowing instead of ignoring it and suffering. Emily and Maty have a gift to share with anyone who is interested in truly connecting with themselves. My husband also received a PLR and it has brought out so many wonderful links in our relationship. So grateful for Emily and Maty!

Brooke Bushong

Since the PLR with Emily last week, I have been realizing connections between situations and patterns in my life with information that came through in the session. I imagine that in meditations and quiet moments, the information will more fully integrate and serve my transformation. Emily so lovingly holds space for what comes through guidance, and invites a deeper communication with Spirit.

Jodi Peck