$475.00 USD

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Add two past life regression sessions (one with each of us) for a discounted price. 

Soul Journey Akashic Record Reading with FREE Pump Up Call


Soul Journey Akashic Record Reading [A $475 value. Comprehensive soul personality assessment. By email (25-35 pages.)]

Soul Journey Live Walkthrough [A $225 value. LIVE 90 minute zoom meeting with both of us.]

This is great for going through a big shift and looking for direction and guidance. 

What People Are Saying:

My Akashic record report was so much more than I had imagined…it is the support of Emily and Maty, their knowledge and support, that took the experience to a whole different level for me. The call we had after I received my report to highlight key areas and see the synchronicities in the report and in my life. I felt seen on a different level through this experience and have a new understanding of the different energies which are at work in my life.

Shannon Warnick

I loved how easy it was to digest while still being extremely thorough and informative. I especially resonated with the archetypes and key strengths in this lifetime, as it read like a book about my already existing life, including my successes and challenges that I have faced. This report was so powerful and informative. I can't express the volume of detailed wisdom and guidance I received in this report! I highly recommend having a reading done to gain wisdom and guidance about your soul, its purpose, and what you are here to learn and grow from. Exceptional information and am in awe of their divine talents and skills with the Akashic Records.

Michele Thomas

They have helped me to see both my gifts and challenges with greater compassion and self-awareness. The experience feels like it has opened a door, also, to an expanded view of myself, allowing me to be in a deeper relationship with the parts of me that are beyond the ego—to trust the wisdom and knowing that is available there. The love and integrity that Maty and Emily bring to their work is so evident, and I appreciate that they are helping us to explore the vast mystery that we each are!

Julia Flint