$200.00 USD

PLR with Matty

Ready to explore the depths of your consciousness and speak with your spirit guide(s)?

These are very powerful and meaningful sessions. 

What you'll get:

  • Past Life Regression
  • Meet Your Spirit Guide
  • Personalized Guidance based on your needs. 

[ 3 hour LIVE online session ]

What People Are Saying:

My session with Matty was truly transformative. I did not know what to expect but was drawn to work with Matty during a difficult time in my life following my mother’s passing. Matty has an attentive, calming, and non-judgmental approach, which helped me feel relaxed and safe — this allowed for a great deal of information (and reminders) to come through during our session. I learned so much about myself through this work and highly recommend Matty as a guide for anyone looking to peel back the layers and find deeper meaning and connection in their lives.

Hoang Luu

I have been so impressed by the subtle shifts I've noticed since my PLR session with Matty--like blocks that have been in the way for ages have cleared suddenly. I'm feeling more certain about my goals and the next steps I need to take.

Julia Flint