Beautiful Souls like YOU are why we LOVE what we do!

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Past Life Regression
Akashic Records
Transition Coaching

Past Life Regression Testimonials         

Hoang Luu

My session with Maty was truly transformative. I did not know what to expect but was drawn to work with Maty during a difficult time in my life following my mother’s passing. Maty has an attentive, calming, and non-judgmental approach, which helped me feel relaxed and safe — this allowed for a great deal of information (and reminders) to come through during our session. I learned so much about myself through this work and highly recommend Maty as a guide for anyone looking to peel back the layers and find deeper meaning and connection in their lives.

Brooke Bushong-Luu

My PLR session with Emily has been life-changing. I had never experienced this type of connection to my soul and spirit before, so I didn't know what to expect. I doubted that I would be able to connect with my spirit guides or loved ones who has passed on but I encountered the most beautiful healing at the end of our session. I would highly recommend this soul vibe journey to anyone. The insights I received have encouraged me to listen to my inner knowing instead of ignoring it and suffering. Emily and Maty have a gift to share with anyone who is interested in truly connecting with themselves. My husband also received a PLR and it has brought out so many wonderful links in our relationship. So grateful for Emily and Maty!

Jodi Peck, LMT

Since the PLR with Emily last week, I have been realizing connections between situations and patterns in my life with information that came through in the session. I imagine that in meditations and quiet moments, the information will more fully integrate and serve my transformation. Emily so lovingly holds space for what comes through guidance, and invites a deeper communication with Spirit.

Julia Flint

I have been so impressed by the subtle shifts I've noticed since my PLR session with Maty--like blocks that have been in the way for ages have cleared suddenly. I'm feeling more certain about my goals and the next steps I need to take.

Akashic Record Soul Reading Testimonials     

Michele T.

When I received my Akashic Record Reading from Maty and Emily I was impressed with the sheer volume of information and wisdom it provided me. It was incredibly powerful and it deeply resonated with me.

The information that the reading contained was detailed and exhaustive. It helped me understand some of the characteristics I have as well as why I have the passions and strengths in this lifetime.

My reading was broken down into 4 different categories and 16 sections over 36 pages of information that told me about various aspects about my soul and it's reincarnation in this lifetime. I loved how easy it was to digest while still being extremely thorough and informative.

I especially resonated with the archetypes and key strengths in this lifetime, as it read like a book about my already existing life, including my successes and challenges that I have faced. This reading was so powerful and informative. I can't express the volume of detailed wisdom and guidance I received in this report!

I highly recommend having a reading done to gain wisdom and guidance about your soul, its purpose, and what you are here to learn and grow from. Exceptional information and am in awe of their divine talents and skills with the Akashic Records.

Heather Love

My Akashic Record reading felt like a coming home of sorts. It beautifully explained in great detail things about myself that I couldn't have known, yet I knew to be true as soon as I read them.

I feel a sense of validation in who I know myself to be, and also feel empowered to step into my authenticity.

I just re-read my reading from almost a year and a half ago, and it is so interesting to see how some of these things have manifested in my life today. I have embraced my many lifetimes as a witch. I have become a life coach to continue my many advisor roles. And I have a relatively new and powerful relationship with crystals, so it was fun to see that reflected in my report before I was even aware of it in this lifetime.

As a whole, my Akashic Record reading helped me feel seen. I am grateful to Emily and Maty for giving me this gift of acceptance and understanding.

Jodie King

I am so grateful that I was able to get my Akashic record reading from Maty and Emily. Their reading validated that there was nothing “wrong” with me, but rather my sensitivities were a result of who I have been for many lifetimes. It has helped me to stand fully in my power and because of that I am more confident in my relationships and in business.

Shannon Warnick

My Akashic record reading was so much more than I had imagined. I highly recommend having a notebook nearby as you read through your report to capture the Aha's, rememberings and any questions that you would like clarification on from Emily and Maty.
I really loved the historic detail on the portions that related to the past lives, imagining the experiences and lessons and how they are related/play towards some of this life's lessons.
And while I find the reading immensely helpful, it is the support of Emily and Maty, their knowledge and support, that took the experience to a whole different level for me. The call we had after I received my report to highlight key areas and see the synchronicities in the report and in my life.
I felt seen on a different level through this experience and have a new understanding of the different energies which are at work in my life. I look forward to exploring the information that was shared with me by Emily and Maty.

Melissa Thallemer

Receiving my Akashic Record reading was incredibly impactful for me. My reading was so validating, affirming and resonated so deeply with me. The report provided me with such rich information and explanations of my soul journey. I have a deeper understanding of myself, my soul learnings and my purpose. I have been on my path of purpose for quite some time, my report was exactly the guidance and push I needed to put it all in perspective and take the needed steps forward. It put many pieces of a complex puzzle together in one report and was in a way for me to easily take it in. Maty and Emily did such a fantastic job with it. I am truly impressed and am so happy to have my reading. I highly recommend getting your Akashic Record reading with Maty and Emily.

Coaching Testimonials   

Ann Hamilton

I met with Emily and Maty at a transitional time in my life, looking for some direction from the universe. They engaged in a back and forth question and discussion as a way to articulate the questions I wanted to ask. It was an intuitive and open conversation that flowed easily. Specific themes revealed themselves through out the conversation both in my own mind and with confirmation from Maty and Emily. The experience grounded me and opened up my intuition to begin following my path in a deeper, more connected way. I felt that the conversation grounded me in a powerful way as I entered into a new phase of my life. I’m super grateful for the experience.