Unlock Your Soul's Purpose: Discover the Path to Your Deepest Desires

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Unlock Your Soul's Purpose: Discover the Path to Your Deepest Desires

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Signs Your Not Living Your Soul's Purpose

 Conquer the Shadows of Doubt and Illuminate Your Path

The Maze of Soul Purpose Uncertainty

As a Lightworker Entrepreneur and Healer, navigating the maze of uncertainty without knowing your soul's purpose is like walking through a dense fog. Each step feels uncertain, every choice questioned, leaving you wandering in circles. This relentless doubt clouds your vision, obscuring the vibrant path you're meant to follow. It's a journey filled with echoes of 'what if,' where the light of clarity seems just out of reach, making your mission feel elusive and your impact, diminished.

The Weight of Unfulfilled Potential

There's a heaviness that comes with not knowing or feeling unsure about your soul's purpose—a weight that presses down on you, making each step forward feel like a struggle against the tide. Healers and Lightworker entrepreneurs, this isn't just about unmet goals or unrealized dreams; it's a profound sense of not living up to your full potential, of having so much more to offer but not knowing how to release it. This struggle can lead to a deep, internal turmoil, where you're constantly battling between who you are and who you believe you're meant to be.

The Silence of Disconnection

The silence of disconnection from your soul's purpose resonates like a bell in an empty hall, a stark reminder of the gap between you and your true essence. This void isn't just about feeling out of touch with those you wish to inspire; it's a profound disconnection from your own inner voice. As a lightworker entrepreneur and healer without this guiding light, your ability to impact and heal feels stifled, as if you're speaking words that never truly reach the hearts of those in need. It's a struggle that not only affects your sense of fulfillment but also diminishes the potential transformation you can bring to the world.


Remember, lightworker entrepreneurs and healers, the journey to rediscovering your soul's purpose is not one you have to walk alone. It's a path of reconnection, of tuning in to the whispers of your soul and allowing them to guide you towards the light you're meant to share with the world. It's our true joy to guide you on this path. The world needs you and your healing gifts.
Welcome! We're Emily & Maty.

By combining intuitive development, Akashic Record soul research and emotional healing techniques with over 20 years experience in energetic modalities, personal healing experiences and customer service we’ll show you how to propel your life in the most amazing and unforeseen directions. 

  • Harness your unique spiritual gifts.
  • Understand how your soul's journey can help you flourish.
  • Learn where to focus your attention to maximize your energy.
Current Offers
A shift in consciousness is happening. We want to live in a way that doesn't feel so energetically draining. Our souls are calling for us to create our lives according to our unique values, purpose and goals. 
Jodie King

I am so grateful that I was able to get my Akashic records reading from Maty and Emily. Their reading validated that there was nothing “wrong” with me, but rather my sensitivities were a result of who I have been for many lifetimes. It has helped me to stand fully in my power and because of that I am more confident in my relationships and in business.

Julia Flint

"They have helped me to see both my gifts and challenges with greater compassion and self-awareness. The experience feels like it has opened a door, also, to an expanded view of myself, allowing me to be in a deeper relationship with the parts of me that are beyond the ego—to trust the wisdom and knowing that is available there. The love and integrity that Maty and Emily bring to their work is so evident, and I appreciate that they are helping us to explore the vast mystery that we each are!"

Michele Thomas

"I highly recommend having a reading done to gain wisdom and guidance about your soul. . . Exceptional information and am in awe of their divine talents and skills with the Akashic Records.”


How can we help you today?

  • Curious about your soul's purpose and intuition development?
  • Going through a transition and looking for guidance?
  • Looking to heal limited beliefs or explore emotional reactions?
Current Offers

How can we help you today?

  • Curious about your soul's purpose and intuition development?
  • Going through a transition and looking for guidance?
  • Looking to heal limited beliefs or explore emotional reactions?
Current Offers
Melissa T

"Receiving my Akashic Record report was incredibly impactful for me. My report was so validating, affirming and resonated so deeply with me. I have a deeper understanding of myself, my soul learnings and my purpose... Was exactly the guidance and push I needed to put it all in perspective and take the needed steps forward. It put many pieces of a complex puzzle together in one report and was in a way for me to easily take it in."

Heather Love

"My Akashic Record report... It beautifully explained in great detail things about myself that I couldn't have known, yet I knew to be true as soon as I read them.

I feel a sense of validation in who I know myself to be, and also feel empowered to step into my authenticity."

Shannon Warnick

"My Akashic record report was so much more than I had imagined…it is the support of Emily and Maty, their knowledge and support, that took the experience to a whole different level for me... I felt seen on a different level through this experience and have a new understanding of the different energies which are at work in my life."

Unlock Your Soul's Purpose: Discover the Path to Your Deepest Desires

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Unlock Your Soul's Purpose: Discover the Path to Your Deepest Desires

Get our free energy clearing and soul intention healing bundle.


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