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Podcast cover art featuring a picture of Emily and Matty in Sedona, AZ with the words soul vibe insights appearing too.

 Begin Your Self Awareness Journey into a Soul Inspired Mindset 

Work with Emily and Matty

Welcome to the Soul Vibe Insights podcast with your hosts, Emily and Matty.


With over 20 years of experience as intuitives and energy healers, we're here to guide you on a journey of self-discovery and intuition development.

Our mission? To simplify spirituality, consciousness, and intuition, making it accessible for everyone. Through our personal stories, insights and soul research in the Akashic Records. We aim to inspire you to connect deeply with your soul and unlock your inner intuitive genius.

Join us as we explore the mysteries of life and the power of intuition together.

Begin Your Self Awareness Journey into a Soul Inspired Mindset

Work with Emily and Matty

Welcome to the Soul Vibe Insights podcast with your hosts, Emily and Matty.

With over 20 years of experience as intuitives and energy healers, we're here to guide you on a journey of self-discovery and intuition development.

Our mission? To simplify spirituality, consciousness, and intuition, making it accessible for everyone. Through our personal stories, insights and soul research in the Akashic Records, we aim to inspire you to connect deeply with your soul and unlock your inner intuitive genius.

Join us as we explore the mysteries of life and the power of intuition together.

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You'll receive an informative newsletter once a month filled with tips to co-create a life with your soul and our current offers that will assist you.

🌟Embark on the Ultimate Journey Within🌟

Download '7 Ways to Start Co-Creating Life with Your Soul Today' and begin your adventure towards a life aligned with your deepest desires.

Crafted with love, this guide book is designed to help you begin your quest to a life that resonates with your truest aspirations now.

🌟The whisper of your soul beckons—are you ready to listen?🌟

 Tap below to seize your guide and start sculpting your fate today! 

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