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Journey of Souls: Understanding Life Between Lives

about the soul akashic records podcast Oct 12, 2024

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Hey there, amazing soul friends! Welcome to our blog, where we unravel the mysteries of living a soul inspired life through spiritual insights and personal growth. We’re thrilled to share with you an exploration into the concept of a soul’s life between human lives. The journey of souls details how a soul evolves while moving back and forth between incarnations and life in Spirit. Cultivating more awareness around your soul's journey allows you to live life knowing every experience adds to the richness and complexity of who you are.

In this blog post we will add to the finer points coinciding with our podcast episode: 5 and 6, Life Between Lives and Journey of Souls Explained. We recorded these episodes on life between lives to give you more clarity on your soul's path and how it shapes your current and future incarnations. Give those corresponding episodes a listen and be sure to follow along. Without further ado, let’s dive into the essence of our soul energy and the profound spiritual experiences that guide us.


What Is Soul Energy?


When we talk about soul energy, we are referring to that infinite part or divine spark within you that transcends your physical existence.  It’s the energy that has existed before this life and will continue to exist long after. The human that you are is a continuation of your soul’s journey. A unique thread in the tapestry of your soul’s many lifetimes. Your soul holds the memories of who you have been, who you are now, and the potential probabilities for who you are becoming. This eternal essence is what continues to live on long after your physical body ceases to exist.

Your soul energy is also known as your higher self. This is the part of your soul that remains in spirit, maintaining a higher perspective and avoiding the spiritual amnesia that your physical self experiences. An essential part of every soul incarnating here is to gain necessary experiential knowledge to learn from. In essence your soul energy has taken on the challenge of a “growth plan” while on Earth. Your higher self holds the blueprint for this plan, guiding and communicating with you through intuition, imagination and inspiration.


Journey of Souls Explained


Every soul embarks on its unique journey, deciding to have its own experiences and to evolve through the universe. Your journey of souls involves incarnating in various lifetimes, each one contributing to the growth and expansion of your soul. The soul's journey is not about climbing a linear ladder of evolution. There is no race to the top! The journey of souls is about accumulating a wealth of experiences, both positive and challenging.

When your immortal self decides to have unique experiences, it becomes an individualized piece of Spirit, of Creator, of God, Goddess, the Universe. This process involves growth through various lifetimes, where each experience, success, and mistake contributes to your soul’s knowledge and evolution. The experiences of your life adds to your complexity and creates more wholeness on the soul level.

Each soul carries innate strengths and wisdom originating within its soul group and also coming from previous lifetimes. These strengths can manifest as natural talents or abilities that seem to come effortlessly in your current life. These are skills you didn’t learn through your environment, often they’re an intrinsic knowledge that feels familiar. These are the remnants of your soul's gifts and past experiences.

Souls never incarnate with all of their energy, there is always some that remains in the Spirit realm as your higher self. Many people bring about 50% of their soul’s energy into each lifetime. This percentage can vary. Sometimes people bring less energy, making life feel more challenging. Sometimes people bring more soul energy, feeling it will be needed for achieving their life’s purpose. This variation is part of the soul’s plan and greatly influences how you experience and navigate your life.


The Role of Akashic Records and Soul Groups


Akashic records are a repository of all your soul's experiences across all its lifetimes. These records hold the key to understanding your soul's path and the lessons you are meant to learn. By accessing your Akashic records, you can gain insights into your past lives, your soul group’s personality traits, skills, and your soul's overall journey.  In researching for our Soul Journey Akashic Record readings we have discovered 33 different soul groups that are currently incarnating on Earth. 32 of these soul groups only make up 25% of the souls incarnated here. These visitors are starseed souls because their energy originated somewhere else in the universe besides Earth. The other 75% are Earth souls signifying that Earth is the home for their soul energy.

Soul groups are collections of souls that have shared experiences and journeys from their home planet or star system. These groups often incarnate together to support and learn from each other. Understanding your soul group can provide a deeper understanding of your relationships and connections in this lifetime. For instance, you might find that your closest friends or family members are part of your soul group, having shared many lifetimes and experiences with you.

Every soul group of origin has foundational personality traits and skills that are innately a part of those souls. Each soul group incarnates into every lifetime with their distinct characteristics and strengths. Pleiadian souls, for example, are movers and shakers who are catalysts for change and progress. They often find success quickly and have a strong drive to accomplish their goals. On the other hand, Maldecians are known for their strong intellect and ability to design and manage complex systems. Though they tend to struggle more with getting out of their head and into their heart’s emotional expression.


Understanding Spiritual Amnesia


When we incarnate, we do not bring 100% of our soul's energy with us. Typically, we bring about 50%, although this can vary depending on the individual's life plan and the lessons they intend to learn. This division creates what we call spiritual amnesia, where we forget our true nature and past experiences. The remaining energy stays in Spirit, maintaining that higher perspective. This forgetfulness is intentional, allowing us to fully immerse in the human experience and learn the necessary lessons without the burden of our entire soul's history.

This spiritual amnesia is crucial for our learning process on Earth. Without it, we would be overwhelmed by the memories and knowledge of all our past lives. Forgetting the plan you made for your life while in a light body in Spirit creates complexity. This forgetfulness allows us to focus on the present and the specific lessons we are here to learn. It also means that our higher self, the part of our soul that remains in spirit, is always available to guide us and provide insights when needed.

Co-creating life in relationship with your soul allows you to tap into a greater understanding of your life's purpose. Being on the “growth plan” means there will always be some obstacles and challenges in life for your learning potential. To manifest more positive experiences try maintaining a perspective of gratitude for your life lessons as they show up in your life.


Life Review and Council of Elders


After each lifetime, we undergo a life review. This is a process where we, along with our higher self and life review counselor souls, examine our most recent life. Souls bring back memories of their earthly experiences during the life review. This process is essential for integrating the lessons learned and preparing for future incarnations. We look at our actions, decisions, and the impact we had on others and determine what we still need to work on.

During this time, we might meet with the Council of Elders, a group of wise beings who assist in every aspect of our soul’s growth. They’ll help us find a higher perspective from the events and experiences of the life we just lived. The Council will also guide us with the finer nuances of planning and setting goals for our future incarnations. Their guidance ensures that each incarnation and life between lives is aligned with our soul's overall growth and development.


In Between Lifetimes Training


In between human lifetimes, our soul engages in various trainings and education while in a lightbody. These trainings are like passion projects and how our souls are in service to Spirit for the highest good of all creation. These activities are also designed to prepare us for future incarnations giving us innate abilities to rely on while on Earth. Many people are surprised by how well their in-between lifetime training matches their current interests and often vocations. From our Akashic Record research, so far we’ve found that souls choose from 14 different types of in-between lifetime trainings. Some of these are roles such as life review counselors, healers, third order or Rishi souls that guide others.

These trainings resonate deeply with people and often align with their natural talents in their current lifetime. This alignment provides validation and a deeper understanding of their soul's path and purpose. For example, a third order soul is someone who helps guide newly deceased souls back into Spirit. Many third order souls on Earth see ghosts or spirits without having any explanation as to why this is happening. Someone who has been a healer in spirit might naturally gravitate towards professions or hobbies related to healing and energy work on Earth. A life coach could be a Rishi soul. Life review counselors are often found in the fields of psychology or social work.


The Foundation of Your Soul's Personality


The foundation of your soul's personality is set by your soul group and your choice of energy center training. These two factors create the core of who you are and influence how you express yourself in each lifetime. Your soul group provides you with certain innate strengths and characteristics. For example, Pleiadian souls, as mentioned earlier, are known for their drive and ability to effect change. This drive is a core part of their soul's personality, influencing how they approach challenges and opportunities in each lifetime.

Your energy center training, on the other hand, influences the type of energy you naturally bring into your life. There are eight energy centers in the universe, each corresponding to a chakra. The traditional seven chakras most are familiar with plus we’ve discovered in the Akashic Records the soul star chakra that resides above the crown. These energies are also ground within Earth by virtue of every soul carrying their harmonic frequencies with them. Depending on where you trained, you might naturally resonate with certain energies and have specific strengths. For instance, souls trained in the heart chakra (fourth energy center) often radiate unconditional love and compassion. While souls trained in the third eye chakra (sixth energy center) tend to be highly intuitive and truth seekers.

These foundational aspects of the soul are brought into every incarnation, creating a consistent core personality that is enriched and expanded through each lifetime's experiences. This foundation helps souls navigate their journeys with a sense of continuity and purpose, even as they take on new challenges and lessons.


Balancing Strengths and Weaknesses


Coming to Earth allows souls to work on balancing their strengths and weaknesses. The unique combination of spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical experiences on Earth provides a rich environment for growth and learning. Souls line up to have a human life because this distinctive combination of experiences in one happens on Earth.

Souls might choose to incarnate in specific situations to develop qualities they lack or to balance their existing strengths. For example, a soul that is naturally loving and compassionate might need to learn discernment to avoid being taken advantage of. Similarly, a soul that is highly intellectual might need to work on emotional expression and connection.

This balancing act is a crucial part of everyone’s journey of souls. The Law of Attraction is designed to attract the experiences needed in this endeavor. By experiencing a wide range of situations and challenges, souls can develop a more well-rounded and balanced personality. This growth is not always easy, but it is essential for the soul's evolution and fulfillment.


Planning Future Incarnations During Life Between Lives


An important part of your life between lives is planning future incarnations. Souls work in conjunction with their higher self, while also meeting with Rishis and their Council of Elders. It takes a lot of preparation to plan an entire human existence with the best possible path for your growth in mind. Especially considering all the potential permutations your free will might choose along the way. This planning process involves looking at potential lifetimes with unique ancestral lineages and selecting life lessons. As well as considering the environments that will provide the best opportunities for learning and balancing karma.

For example, souls might choose to incarnate into families or communities that will challenge them to grow in specific ways. They might select life lessons that will help them develop new skills or overcome certain weaknesses. This planning is done with a deep understanding of your soul's overall journey and the goals it aims to achieve. In these ‘life between lives’ planning sessions, souls also consider their previous experiences and how they can build upon them. This ensures that each lifetime your soul embarks on is unique and contributes to your overall growth and development.


What Next?



The journey of the soul is a complex and beautiful process, filled with growth, learning, and countless experiences. Understanding the intricacies of life between lives, the innate gifts of the soul, and the concept of spiritual amnesia can provide us with a deeper sense of purpose and direction. Embracing our soul's journey allows us to live more fully and authentically, knowing that every experience contributes to our soul's evolution.

Keep in mind that you are an immortal, divine being that chose to have a human experience with all the beauty and challenges that entails. And in doing so your human self is such an important continuation of your soul’s journey. We thank you for being here now and adding to the richness and complexity of Earthly life!

If you’re resonating with the concept of life between lives and journey of souls then we invite you to take the next step and explore the wealth of information in your Akashic Record. A Soul Journey Akashic Record reading can provide profound insights into understanding your soul’s path and the foundations for your innate gifts. This will help you navigate the challenges of your current life with greater clarity and more purpose.


Are you ready to dive deeper into your soul's journey? Book a Soul Journey Akashic Record reading with us today and let us detail your life between lives and journey of souls for you.

I’m Ready to Dive Deeper into my Soul’s Journey!


Loving Light,

Matty and Emily


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