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Leaping into the Unknown: Six Signs Your Soul is Guiding You to Take the Leap

intuition podcast Sep 27, 2024

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Hey there, amazing soul friends, and welcome to the Soul Vibe Insights Blog! Together we, Emily and Matty, recently started a podcast the same day we celebrated our anniversary of traveling for three years straight after beginning our journey into the unknown. We are excited and honored to share the valuable lessons and wisdom we’ve accumulated over these transformative years.

In this blog post we will add to the finer points coinciding with our podcast episode: 1. 6 Signs You’re Ready To Leap Into The Unknown And Bet On Yourself. We're diving deep into the art of leaping into the unknown, guided by your soul and intuition. Give the episode a listen and be sure to follow along. Without further ado, let’s get into a little back story and then talk about six crucial signs that your soul is guiding you to take that leap into the unknown.


Our Journey Begins


Four years ago, if you had told us we would be leading this nomadic lifestyle and running our own soul purpose inspired business, we would have been skeptical. But life has a way of unfolding in miraculous and unexpected ways. Our journey began long before we took the literal leap into traveling full time; it was deeply rooted in soul callings and synchronicities that we couldn’t ignore.

Both of us, Matty and Emily, met back in 2004 while working at a restaurant. Our initial meeting itself felt like a destined encounter. Our connection was instant and resonated deep in our souls as we quickly became the best of friends. Over the years, we both went through challenging times—failed relationships, feeling unfulfilled in our jobs, and experiencing what we now understand were "soul callings." These were moments that urged us to seek something deeper, something more aligned with our true selves.

Early on, we had numerous late-night conversations about self improvement, Reiki energy, healing karma, and the mysteries of the universe. We were drawn to each other through these topics, but didn’t understand there was a deeper purpose at play. It wasn’t until life threw some curveballs our way that we realized the universe had grand plans for us. Plans that involved much more than just a deep friendship or a stable job in the restaurant industry. After 7 years our relationship blossomed into deep, romantic love and 3 years later we’re married in 2014. In hindsight, those late-night conversations were the catalyst for our future endeavors.


The Turning Point


Fast forward to the pandemic, and like many, we found ourselves at a crossroads. Laid off from our jobs and called to take care of Matty’s ailing uncle, we found our lives in upheaval. The initial shock of losing our jobs and being thrust into caregiving roles was overwhelming. But in the chaos, we found a strange sense of clarity. The world seemed to be urging us to pause, reflect, and realign ourselves. One day, almost on a whim, we decided to have Akashic Record readings, a soul-level intuitive tool that became a game-changer for us. The insights we gained were nothing short of transformative. 

Reading our soul records opened our eyes to the deeper truths of our lives and purposes, catalyzing a significant shift in our trajectory. Our readings didn't just tell us about our past lives; they also highlighted our innate gifts, the lessons we needed to learn, and the directions we could consider for our future. It felt like someone had handed us the blueprint of our souls. Suddenly, everything made sense—the unfulfilling jobs, the constant wanderlust, the intuitive nudges we had been ignoring for years. It was a turning point that redefined our lives, guiding us towards a path of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

From that moment on, we decided to dive deep into the world of Akashic Records. We took extensive courses and trained with mentors to hone our skills. We accumulated tons of volunteers for practice and eventually started offering paid readings to clients. The positive feedback we received was overwhelming. People were as amazed and transformed by the readings as we had been, reinforcing our belief that we were on the right path.

So, how do you know when your soul is guiding you to take a leap into the unknown? What follows are the signs we wish we would have paid more attention to sooner, but you only know when you know. Becoming aware is the key, no matter when you have that perspective shift. Here are six unmistakable signs to look for in your life.


1. You Have a Deep Ache in Your Soul That Something is Missing


The first sign is a nagging feeling, a deep ache in your soul, that something fundamental is missing from your life. You might have checked all the societal boxes—career, relationship, home—but still, the sense of unfulfillment looms over you. This inner void is your soul’s way of telling you that there’s a higher purpose or calling waiting for you to leap into.

This feeling of emptiness often creeps in during quiet moments when you’re alone with your thoughts. It’s that sensation of longing, as if a part of you knows there’s something more out there. You might try to fill this void with material possessions, busy schedules, or even new relationships, but nothing seems to work. The ache remains, a persistent reminder that you are meant for something more.

We both experienced this deeply while working in the restaurant industry. Despite having stable jobs, a lovely home, and a great income, we often found ourselves feeling restless and unfulfilled. It was as though our souls were crying out for a different kind of nourishment, one that couldn't be provided by external sources. This ache in our soul was the first sign that led us to explore deeper spiritual practices and eventually, the Akashic Records.


2. You Keep Getting Lost in a Recurring Daydream


Your imagination is not merely a playground; it’s a powerful channel through which your soul communicates. Recurring daydreams are often dismissed as escapism, but they hold a wealth of information about your soul’s true desires. When you lose yourself in these visions, you’re tapping into the infinite possibilities that exist within you. Whether it’s a career change, a move to a new city, or a different way of living, these daydreams provide insight into what might bring you joy and fulfillment. Pay attention to these visions—they are guiding lights on your path.

For us, the recurring daydreams were about owning a business that resonated with our spiritual interests, traveling the world, and helping others discover their soul’s purpose. These visions were so vivid and persistent that they became impossible to ignore. They were the breadcrumbs that led us to where we are today.


3. There is an Idea or Guidance That is on Repeat


Persistent ideas or guidance that keep surfacing are your soul's way of nudging you. Whether it’s starting a new venture, traveling, or leaving a stagnant relationship, these repetitive thoughts are more than mere whims. They are intuitive hits meant to steer you toward your soul's true desires.

These repetitive nudges often come to you during moments of stillness or meditation. You might find yourself thinking about the same idea repeatedly, even if it seems illogical or impractical. This is your intuition speaking to you, urging you to pay attention. The more you try to ignore it, the louder it becomes.

For us, the repeated idea was about traveling and starting a spiritual business. Initially, it seemed far-fetched and impractical, but the clarity of this guidance was undeniable. We decided to trust our intuition and take the first step, even though we didn’t have everything figured out. And that’s the beauty of soul guidance—it reveals itself one step at a time, urging you to trust the process.


4. This Guidance Excites and Scares You Simultaneously


One of the most telling signs is the duality of emotions—excitement and fear. Soul-guided actions often require stepping out of your comfort zone, pushing you to grow and evolve. That balance of excitement and apprehension is the universe’s way of showing you that you’re on the verge of something extraordinary.

The idea of leaving our stable lives to travel full-time was thrilling but also terrifying. We had to face our fears of the unknown, financial instability, and what others might think. But deep down, we knew this was what our souls were calling us to do. The excitement outweighed the fear, propelling us forward despite the uncertainties.

Feeling both excited and scared is a good indicator that you’re on the right path. It means you’re about to embark on a journey that will stretch you, challenge you, and ultimately, transform you. Embrace these emotions and let them guide you towards your soul’s true calling.


5. Things Are Chaotic and You’re Experiencing Upheaval


Chaos and upheaval, though often painful, are powerful catalysts for change. When things start falling apart, it could be a sign that the old structures in your life need to be dismantled to make room for the new. This tumultuous period is an invitation for you to reevaluate and refocus on what truly matters.

The pandemic and the subsequent job loss were the chaotic upheavals that forced us to rethink our lives. At the time, it felt devastating, but in hindsight, it was a necessary part of our transformation. These losses created the space needed for us to explore new opportunities and align with our true purpose.

Even smaller disruptions, like frequent minor mishaps or a series of unfortunate events, can be signs that your energy is shifting. These experiences, while uncomfortable, are opportunities for growth and realignment. Embrace the chaos and look for the silver lining—it might be the universe nudging you towards a new and transformative path.


6. Someone Else Accomplishes What You Thought Was Impossible


Seeing someone else achieve what you desire can be a profound moment that shakes you to your core. It’s a clear sign from the universe that what you want is not only possible, but within your reach. Finding inspiration in someone else’s accomplishments can break down those mental barriers of negative self-talk that tell you something is impossible. Lean into this inspiration and use it as a call to action. Don’t just copy those that came before you. The key is connecting to your authenticity and putting that unique vibe into making your dreams a reality.

Before our journey began, we came across several examples of people who were living the kind of life we dreamed of—nomadic, spiritually aligned, and successful in their pursuits. Instead of feeling envious, well okay, maybe a little bit, but then we used their stories as fuel for our own journey. If they could do it, then the potentiality had come out of the quantum realm and into our 3D reality, which meant so could we. Seeing what was possible helped us to focus more on the excitement we felt from our guidance while putting the fear in the rearview!


What Next?


If these signs resonate with you, it might be time to explore deeper soul work. Our Soul Journey Akashic Record readings are designed to offer you profound insights and guide you on your soul’s path. These readings are comprehensive, spanning 30-40 pages, and are tailored to unlock your soul’s potential. Every reading comes with a 90 minute pump up call where we go over your reading with you and answer any questions you have.

We invite you to take the leap and explore an Akashic Record reading with us.

I’m Ready to dive deeper into my soul’s journey!

Stay tuned for our next blog post, where we’ll share six tips to help you take that leap into the unknown with more confidence. We are grateful for the opportunity to share our journey and insights with you. You've chosen Earth School and that means you're on the Growth Plan. Be brave, embrace the callings of your soul and step boldly into the unknown.

Loving Light,

Matty and Emily


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