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Six Tips for Embracing the Unknown and Navigating Change with Confidence

intuition podcast Oct 07, 2024



Hey there, amazing soul friends! Welcome to our blog, where we unravel the mysteries of living a soul inspired life through spiritual insights and personal growth. Embarking on a journey into the unknown can be both thrilling and daunting. Whether it's changing careers, moving to a new city, or pursuing a long held dream, the leap requires courage and confidence. Today, we’re diving into six tips to help you embrace leaping into the unknown with more confidence. These insights are a perfect follow-up to our earlier discussion on Leaping into the Unknown: Six Signs Your Soul is Guiding You to Take the Leap.  If you haven’t checked out that previous post, make sure to give it a read after this one!

In this blog post we will add to the finer points coinciding with our podcast episode: 2. 6 Tips To Help You Leap Into The Unknown With More Confidence. Give the corresponding episode a listen and be sure to follow along. Without further ado, let’s set the stage for Emily and Matty’s journey from uncertainty into the liberation of open ended traveling. And then we’ll discuss six vital tips that will help you embrace the unknown and confidently navigate change.


Our Journey: From Uncertainty to Liberation


Before we delve into the tips, let’s reflect on how we went from uncertainty to liberation and began our incredible three year journey of open ended travel. Four years ago, we were entrenched in unfulfilling jobs, yearning for a change but unable to envision the life we have today. The pandemic’s upheaval served as a catalyst, prompting us to reassess our lives deeply and be braver in following our heart’s desires. Our intuition kept nudging us toward selling our home and embracing a nomadic lifestyle. Reflecting on the day we decided to take this plunge, we were initially filled with a mix of apprehension and excitement. The idea of selling our home, our sanctuary, to travel with no set destination seemed ludicrous to many. Friends and family questioned our sanity, but we felt an undeniable pull towards this path. 

Our new found intuitive confidence led us to list our house for significantly more than advised, despite our realtors' reservations. We knew the buyer would make a cash offer, work nearby and would feel the love we had invested in our property. During the weekend our house was on the market, we rejected the first two over asking offers, holding out for the right buyer. These decisions were met with much skepticism from our realtors. However, the next day, we received a cash offer that exceeded the expectations set by the first two. The buyer wrote a heartfelt letter, validating our intuition. They mentioned working at the exact place we had envisioned and expressed their admiration for the love we had put into the property. It was the affirmation we needed. The universe had conspired in our favor.

Since then, we’ve traveled across the U.S., Canada, and even spent two months in Thailand on an island, riding motorbikes, eating coconuts, and enjoying incredible food. We've visited numerous national parks and marveled at the beauty of Mother Nature. While we’ve loved many places and communities along the way, none have grounded our root chakras yet, keeping our journey open ended.


1. Get Away from Unwanted Influences


In the hustle and bustle of daily life, unwanted influencing energies can hold a lot of sway in your decisions without your conscious recognition. To better understand what your heart desires, it is imperative to distance yourself from the energies and opinions of others. Nature is an amazing ally in this process and serves as the perfect sanctuary for introspection. Take walks, explore, breathe in the fresh air and allow your mind to quiet. By immersing yourself in the present moment and the beauty of nature, you can listen to your inner voice and make decisions that resonate with your true self.

Imagine standing at the edge of a tranquil forest, the rustling leaves whispering the secrets of your soul’s desires to you. There is clarity to be found in the peace of oneness with Mother Nature. She has a way of stripping away the noise of daily life, allowing you to reconnect with your true essence. These moments of solitude are where your deepest desires and dreams more readily surface. Ask questions of yourself and be open to the guidance you receive.

Before we began our journey, we often found the easiest way to connect with our intuition was marveling at Mother Nature near our Asheville, North Carolina home. It was in these moments, away from the influence of others, that we could hear our souls speaking the loudest. And since beginning our travels, each new landscape, from the rolling hills of the Midwest to the red rock canyons of the Southwest and the rugged coastlines of the Pacific, have offered a fresh perspective and a renewed sense of purpose. Thank you Mother Nature!


2. Bring Awareness to Your Emotional State


Bringing awareness of your emotional state is vital for confidently leaping into the unknown. Think of your emotions as a compass, guiding you towards your true north. Each feeling, whether positive or negative, is a signpost on your journey. When you start to pay attention to these emotional cues, you begin to understand what aligns with your soul’s purpose and what doesn’t.

One practical way to do this is by keeping an emotion journal. Each day, take a few moments to jot down how you feel about your relationships, job, daily activities, and surroundings. Over time, you’ll start to see patterns emerge. This exercise of emotional awareness isn't about judgment though, it’s about gaining insight. By recognizing and accepting your emotional responses, you can make informed decisions that align with your energetic well being and happiness. Remember, the goal is to move towards activities and environments that lift your spirit up and away from what feels draining and drags you down.

Keep in mind that bringing awareness to your emotions requires some patience and tons of honesty. During our travels there have been moments when the uncertainty of our path caused anxiety. Instead of letting this anxiety dictate our actions, we acknowledged it and asked ourselves what underlying fears were triggering these feelings. This practice of emotional awareness enabled us to make decisions from a place of clarity and confidence.


3. Shift Your Present Perspective


Even if your current life isn't ideal and you’re eager for change, shifting your perspective about your situation can have a positive impact on your future outlook. The vibration of gratitude is a powerful tool in this process. Identify positive aspects of your present circumstances, no matter how small. Whether it’s financial stability provided by a job you dislike or that meaningful relationship that came from a rather lackluster time in your life. By acknowledging these positive things, you’ll foster a more optimistic outlook about your life.

Additionally, completing small tasks can boost your confidence. Whether it's perfecting a new baking recipe or finishing a piece of artwork, these accomplishments remind you of your ability to start and finish projects. This builds momentum needed to tackle more daunting goals for embracing the unknown that you’ll be setting soon enough.

Shifting your perspective doesn't mean ignoring the challenges you face; it's about finding the silver lining. When we first started our journey, we had to let go of our well-paying jobs, which was a significant financial risk. Instead of dwelling on the potential loss, we focused on the freedom it provided. This mindset shift allowed us to embrace our new lifestyle with enthusiasm. We found joy in simple activities like cooking meals together, exploring new places, and meeting diverse individuals. Each small experience added to our overall sense of gratitude and fulfillment.

Try this exercise: each morning and evening, write down three things you’re grateful for. They don’t have to be big; even small things like a delicious cup of coffee or a kind word from a friend can make a difference. This practice shifts your focus from what’s lacking to what’s abundant in your life. And that’s how your perception creates a foundation of positivity and gratitude.


4. Learn Your Intuitive Strengths


Understanding how your intuition works is a total game changer. That’s why we devote a whole section to intuitive strengths in our Soul Journey Akashic Record readings. Honing your intuitive strengths can provide you with the clarity and assurance you’ll need to confidently navigate the unknown. It’s essential to recognize that intuition manifests differently for everyone. Some people might have vivid visions (clairvoyance), while others receive intuitive hits through a deep knowing (claircognizance), sensing feelings (clairsentience) or an inner voice (clairaudience) to name a few gifts. 

For many years, we were always told that clairvoyance was the pinnacle of intuitive abilities so naturally we focused our energy there. However, our work in the Akashic Records helped us identify our dominant intuitive strengths of claircognizance and clairsentience. Knowing where to put our focus for the most efficient use of our energy is how we truly honed our intuitive abilities. This comes in handy during our travels as we often face choices that require quick and decisive action. By utilizing our strongest intuitive gifts, we are able to transition with greater confidence. We've also found that leaning into our strengths actually helped with awareness for developing the less dominant intuitive gifts as well. As a result, clairvoyance now comes more naturally to both of us.

If you’re unsure about your intuitive strengths, spend some time exploring different practices. Meditate, keep an intuition journal, or engage in creative activities like painting or writing. Pay attention to how you receive intuitive information. Do you have gut feelings? Do you hear an inner voice? Do you have sudden insights or flashes of inspiration? By identifying and nurturing your intuitive gifts, you can create a deeper connection with your inner guidance.


5. Cultivate a Better Relationship with Your Intuition


Intuition is like a muscle; the more you use it, the stronger it gets. Start by asking your intuition for guidance on small matters. Trusting your intuition with these minor decisions are opportunities to build trust and strengthen your intuitive muscle. Try connecting with your intuition after you’ve eaten and when you’re mentally and emotionally calm. Intuition is a more subtle vibration, it can be difficult to tune in when your mind and emotions are in a heightened state. This helps reduce decision fatigue and gives you more confidence in aligning your actions with your soul’s desires.

When spontaneous intuitive hits happen it requires your full trust. For instance, if you get a hunch to take a different route home, don’t question it, just do it. You may just avoid that traffic jam. And be sure to acknowledge your intuitive successes, like that smooth ride home you just had. In our journey, we started by trusting our intuition in everyday decisions. Over time, this practice extended to more significant life choices, like selling our house and traveling full time. Each successful outcome reinforced our trust in our inner guidance, making it easier to follow our intuition in bigger and bolder ways.

Another helpful practice is to create a daily ritual for connecting with your intuition. This could be a morning meditation, a quiet walk in nature, or simply sitting in stillness and asking for guidance. By making this a regular part of your routine, you strengthen your connection with your inner wisdom and create a sense of trust and reliability.


6. Clear Your Energy Regularly


Energy clearing is vital for maintaining clarity and focus. Just as we cleanse our bodies of things like sweat, dirt and other gunk daily, it is essential to clear our energy regularly. As energetic beings, we absorb influences from our surroundings. We are constantly interacting with the energies of others. This comes in direct contact or through the media we consume. These energies can accumulate and create blockages or imbalances within our own energy fields.

Regular energy clearing helps shed these unwanted influences, allowing you to stay grounded and connect deeply with your true self. Not only does it help you stay clear and focused, but it also enhances your intuitive abilities by removing any energetic clutter that might be obstructing your inner guidance. This doesn’t have to be a lengthy or complicated process. A few minutes of focused intention and visualization can make a world of difference. We call in divine energy, use breathing techniques, and visualize any stale or negative energy being transmuted and replaced with high vibrational loving light.


What Next?


You've chosen Earth School and that means you're on the Growth Plan. Be brave, affirm the callings of your soul and step boldly into the unknown. These six tips, drawn from our own journey of intuitive living and open ended travel, offer a roadmap to navigating life's uncertainties. Embracing the unknown is not something to fear but an opportunity to grow, learn, and discover your true potential. Trust your intuition and watch as the universe aligns to support your boldest dreams.

If this blog post resonates with you, it might be time to explore deeper soul work. Our Soul Journey Akashic Record readings are designed to offer you profound insights and guide you on your soul’s path. These readings are comprehensive, spanning 30-40 pages, and are tailored to unlock your soul’s potential. Every reading comes with a 90 minute pump up call where we go over your reading with you and answer any questions you have.

We invite you to take the leap and explore an Akashic Record reading with us.

I’m Ready to Dive Deeper into my Soul’s Journey!

And for those of you looking to dive deeper into protecting and maintaining your energetic well-being, we’re excited to introduce our new online course: Introduction to Spiritual Protection. This course will empower you to take charge of your energetic health and that of your family. You will learn a simple, yet powerful routine to regularly cleanse your energy field and protect your aura. Ensuring you stay balanced, more tuned into your intuition and aligned with your highest self. Sign up today and start your journey towards mastering your energy!

Loving Light,

Emily and Matty


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